Sunday, July 17, 2011

S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y Night!

"S-A-T-U-R-D-A-Y night!...."   "It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-A! It's fun to stay at the Y-M-C-Aaaa..."  "We're headed on down to the LUUUUUUV Shack, baby."

Whoops! Jo got busted!

Friday, July 15, 2011

What's A Girl To Do On The Weekend?

Well, it's Friday night and I haven't a clue what to do!  I could snack on dragonflies...hhhmmmm...bored.
Howl at the moon? Nah...Too coyote-ish and I'm guessing you know how I feel about coyotes.  Kind like how I feel about a good 'ol cow dog!

I guess I will just jump on the trampoline.  Nothing much else to do.  I can't stay out too late because...

Saturday morning is CARTOON TIME!

Enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Chicken Little Is Alive And Well!

Let's just say, we arrived with little notice and they had to scramble to set up our accommodations at, what I was assured was, a 5-star resort. In short order, they had a "temporary" coop set up.

Are you SERIOUS?!?! She wants us to live here?!?!

Okay, we settled in and started to figure out the layout of the coop.  Then, I swear, the sky began to fall! FOR REAL!  Just Look...
Not only is the kid jumping on our roof, she's playing basketball!  *sigh*

Still wondering where the spa treatments are...


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who is Peggy?

I've been sharing my life on the ranch with a few friends. After a few 'typical' events, I was asked to "document" my life. So here is goes!

Apparently, the life of a feathered gal is a bit interesting and sometimes humorous...

Well, stop the presses. I'm a chicken. My name is Peggy and I'm a Rhode Island Red. I live on a ranch in North Central Nebraska and my life is generally like any other chicken. I'm part of a small flock.  During the day, I run around chasing bugs, scratching the ground and generally just wasting time until the sun goes down.  I do lay eggs. One egg, once a day. No more, please.

There's me, my BFFs, and Jethro.  He's the rooster and thinks he can rule my world. That's a joke!

Oh yeah, I'm owned by some human. (strange creatures...but wait, I've met something stranger I'll share with you another time!). She let us out each day, feeds us a little and then expects us to go look for more, scratch the ground and scavenge for bugs! I personally prefer corn and fruit, just saying.

Well, that's enough for now. I hope you enjoy reading about my life and I hope I am able to bring a little smile to your day!